i know its too early to know whether my baby is going to be a boy or a girl..but both of us (my hubby and I) were having the same instinct that we are going to get a girl..

and just now..masa berjalan-jalan ke blog Pn. Ciare i found this soooo interesting thing!!hehhe..

A gender PREDICTOR!!!remember, it's a predictor only k..bak kata pn.ciare, jangan meroyan lak kalau salah prediction tu..

the pic below was my result!!


its a GIRL!!

you can click here if u are interested to PREDICT the gender of ur baby k..

yes, we wish that its going to be a girl, but still kalau dapat baby boy pun, we will be as happy as that..rezeki Allah kan..just hope the baby akan lahir sihat walafiat dan cukup sifat dan dipermudahkan my labour process nnt..AMIIINN..