FREE VOUCHER Lost World of Tambun!!

penat lah asyek fikir pasal pregnant ke x je ari ni..

so, disebabkan malas nak fikir pasal that issue anymore, i dengan ini mengumumkan i nak buat amal jariah sket..hehe..bluwekk!!amal jariah laa sangatttt!!

Before that, this entry is STICKY MODE.
please scroll down for latest entry k..

first time ever ni i organize giveaway kat my blog..

caranya mudah aje :

1. Kalau bukan my follower, be my follower. kalau x jadi follower, cam mane nak tau update whether u ols lucky ke x kan..huhu

2. Buat satu entry, about this giveaway with the picture of pressie for this giveaway dan link kan ke entry giveaway ini. (

to get information on harga sebenar tiket ke Lost World of Tambun, you can get it from here.

for your information, each voucher is valid to buy 6 entrance tickets. and i have two vouchers to be given away..
hurry up yer..mari menjoinkan diri.kalau ade 2 orang join, maknanye u ols dapat one each laa..kalau sorang je, u akan dapat both vouchers but kalau ramai join terpaksa laa i wat undian..huhuhu..

closing date will be end of this month : 31st January 2010.

ooppss..dont forget to leave your link at the comment box also k..

:smoke:kalau ade orang nak bagi i discount voucher untuk pergi holiday ke Bali, Paris or Swiss, sila tinggalkan pesanan anda di sini juga ye..huhu
