ATTENTION TO ALL MOMMIES, IBU, MAMA, UMI, EMAK, AYAH, DADDY, PAPA, ABAH, ABI, MOMMY-TO-BE, AUNTIE, AUNTIE-TO-BE, UNCLE-TO-BE....fuhfuh..semput, ramai sangat yang nak di attentionnya...

Senang kata, ATTENTION TO ALL lah..
PUREEN akan adekan warehouse sale this weekend!!!yezzaa!!!sila refer ke pic di bawah yer..or can click here for bigger and clearer vision...

sume boleh pergi ye!!x semestinya yang dah jadi parents or parents-to-be, sebab u ols boleh beli presents for ur niece or nephew jugak..or kalau xde jugak little niece or nephew, jangan segan2 pergi jugak to buy pressie for my future baby eyk..;-)

obviously I memang amat sangat sungguh nak pergi but tengok keadaan dulu laa..sebab my hubby not really into shopping baby stuffs yet coz we still don't know the gender of our baby..sebab my hubby paham sangat ler kegilaan bini dia neh ngan pink, dia risau kalau2 i asyek dok beli barang2 pink, nanti dapat baby boy pulakkk!!dia xmo kasik "our hero" tu pakai barang2 pink..BAHAYA!! kata dia...hehhehe

that all for now..