entah kenapa...

mood berbelog is to the max now sebab baaaannnnyakkkkkkkk sangat yang nak di story mory ngan u ols..tapi entah kenapa my lappy, broadband and hand-phone (to upload pics) macam berpakat nak mogok or kenakan i jek..

mula2 tadi, my lappy hang for almost half an hour before i decided to unplug jer dia..then broadband plak lembapppp gilerrrr..nak comments kat entry orang and shout kat shoutbox pun x boleh..and now, bila sambung cable handphone to my lappy,x detect pulakkkk!! haishhhh..memang saje x nak kasik i ngulat time keje..=(

ohh..remember that i told u guys about feeling2 nak pampering myself on previous entry?? about the Cellnique thing?? kalau x ingat or x baca pun, sila wat2 macam ingat untuk jaga hati i yek..hehe actually i dah berjaya pergi facial last sunday..dalam demam pun gigih gak okk nak pergi facial..tapi i x pergi yang kat Cellnique tu pun..coz lambat sangat respondnye..nak tau i gi mana??? n dengan siape??? TUNGGUUUUUUU....;-)
