short updates..
- lamanye x update...rindu blog..=(
- hari ni i pakai seluar for preggy mummy..=) tapi cam kelakar sebab seluar tu longgar and rasa geli2 bila seluar tu gerak2 langgar betis and peha..wakakakka
- damn busy today!!penat wehh...turun naik tangga..
- organizing Food Safety Day with my students today..
- syukur sebab up to this moment, no serious problem occur at our program..
- currently sedang berdebar menanti apa yang bakal berlaku at the closing ceremony kul 2 jap lagi..hope everything will go smoothly..
- sangat gembira sebab mulai esok dah x yah fikir pasal this program anymore..
- esok i'll update story mory bout this event..
doakan closing ceremony jap lagi berjalan lancar yek..