and the winners are...


dengan ini saya mengumumkan, 2 insan bertuah yang akan memenangi 1 keping discount voucher setiap seorang untuk bergunjingan di Lost World of Tambun adalah...








cik amal




to the lucky persons, cepat2 bagi i address and full name ye..

yang x menang pulak, jangan sedih k..still boley pergi berhoye2 disana..tiket pun bukan mahal sangat..very affordable..

anyway, thanks for joining my first ever giveaway..
doakan i murah rezeki supay laen kali boley organize giveaway lagi..

& selamat berkenalan..

thanks sebab sudi jadi my follower..
harap x berakhir kat giveaway ni aje..

:12:tangan i dah gatal nak tulis address kat envelope ni..


giveaway CLOSED!!


offer for FREE VOUCHER for Lost World of Tambun telah tamat dengan rasminya pada 11.59 p.m, here are the name list of contestants with your lucky number..
  1. iena eliena
  2. lele's
  3. cik amal
  4. rosidah
  5. kak ngah
  6. ariffda
  7. zai kulim
  8. nea flerida
  9. taufidris
  10. qaseh kita
  11. izan cute
  12. segalanya kuterima
  13. inahasan
  14. inasepi
  15. ziefauzi
  16. nurul aziyana
  17. izzahazfar
  18. miela
  19. shuhadah
  20. syaz
  21. anin
  22. usagi tsukino
  23. aisya
  24. farahsyeefa
  25. mama tisyaAlign Center
  26. ayuidris
pengundian 2 lucky persons yang telah i janji tu i akan buat dengan menggunakan pada petang nanti sebab i ada tugasan yang maha berat skarang, about the selection, dont worry..xde pilih kasih punye, very transparent..


:1:hadiah dah masuk dalam sampul..tinggal tulis nama & alamat je...

FREE VOUCHER Lost World of Tambun!!

penat lah asyek fikir pasal pregnant ke x je ari ni..

so, disebabkan malas nak fikir pasal that issue anymore, i dengan ini mengumumkan i nak buat amal jariah sket..hehe..bluwekk!!amal jariah laa sangatttt!!

Before that, this entry is STICKY MODE.
please scroll down for latest entry k..

first time ever ni i organize giveaway kat my blog..

caranya mudah aje :

1. Kalau bukan my follower, be my follower. kalau x jadi follower, cam mane nak tau update whether u ols lucky ke x kan..huhu

2. Buat satu entry, about this giveaway with the picture of pressie for this giveaway dan link kan ke entry giveaway ini. (

to get information on harga sebenar tiket ke Lost World of Tambun, you can get it from here.

for your information, each voucher is valid to buy 6 entrance tickets. and i have two vouchers to be given away..
hurry up yer..mari menjoinkan diri.kalau ade 2 orang join, maknanye u ols dapat one each laa..kalau sorang je, u akan dapat both vouchers but kalau ramai join terpaksa laa i wat undian..huhuhu..

closing date will be end of this month : 31st January 2010.

ooppss..dont forget to leave your link at the comment box also k..

:smoke:kalau ade orang nak bagi i discount voucher untuk pergi holiday ke Bali, Paris or Swiss, sila tinggalkan pesanan anda di sini juga ye..huhu


impian tinggal harapan..

4 hari tinggal blog..

demi memastikan impian terlaksana..


impian kini hanya tinggal kenangan...

aku pasrah..

dan sedar atas kekurangan diri..

note 1 : short update due to a very busy schedule.

note 2 : Malam besok pada jam 11.59 p.m giveaway akan ditutup secara rasmi. the lucky duos will be announced on the 1st February.TUNGGUUUUUUU!!!


wakakakaka!!!got this e-mail pagi tadi..mesti u ols bengang kan i gelak tibe2..

harap sumer yang baca entry ini dapat bertenang..

gambar 18sx yang bakal anda lihat is NOT a see-thru skirt!!! They are actually PRINTS ON THE SKIRTS to make it looks as if the panties are visible...huhu..


hohoho!!!this is a current rage from Japan..and tak mustahil jugak boleh sampai ke Malaysia in short..


i really hope this trend tak sampai kat Malaysia..mau hard attack atuk i kalo tengok gini gaye punye fashion!!pastu moms yang nak bawak kiddos pergi jalan2 pun terpaksa be very aware of their child and the dads visions!!aiyakk...
:kiss:i x la up-to-date sangat in fashion, x jugak buta fashion & harap x kan jadi mangsa fashion..

Week 5 of pregnancy


feeling like sharing some infos about pregnancy..i got these infos from few informative websites yang i sempat google ketika kebosanan melanda mengadap statistical analysis tadi..huhu..babies infos is curently a super healer for my "always-sleepy-when-doing-statistical-analysis" syndrome!!hehe..

Fetal Development:

Pada minggu ke-5 macam my baby skarang ni, kalau kita scan, it will looks like a tiny tadpole u know..aiyakkk..jangan lak ade yang pengsan ingat pregnantkan berudu lak yer!!huhu...and the size of an embryo pada minggu ke-5 adalah lebih kurang size of a sesame seed..very tiny kn???means perasaan i yang rasa perut cam bumpy tu, bukan coz of the embryo upenyer but sebab lemakkkk..oh no!!
mommies, this is how the 5 weeks embryo generally looks like in your tummy!!=)

the embryo will form 3 layers namely ectoderm (lapisan luaran), mesoderm (lapisan tengah) dan endoderm (lapisan dalam)..and slowly these layers will develop to become the baby's internal organs such as circulatory system, kidney, heart, liver etc..MasyaAllah..hebatkan ciptaan-Nya??

Maternal changes :

as for the mums, usually at the 5th week we can already knew that we're PREGNANT!!obviously sebab kita miss our period laa kan..other than that, we tend to pass urine more often because of the growing uterus keep on pressing our bladder..that's why i pun kena ulang alik pergi toilet up to
15 TIMES A DAY!! huh..luckily toilet sebelah my room je kat ofis..kalau x jenuh jugak laa kan nak berulang-alik...

and also, we (mommy-to-be) tend to be more wonder i asyek nak makan ajo!!!huhu..just imagine, kul 9 masuk keje terus breakfast.then pukul 10-11 akan disulami ngan biscuit or bread..kul 12 turun lunch pulak.kul 3 or 4 makan lagi kerepek or ape2 jajan yang ade kat opis tu..malam nanti dinner lagi ngan hubby.lepas dinner kang makan kacang ler, kerepek la, keropok la.asyek mengunyah je mulut i ni!!adoiiiyaaaiii..abes ler makin tembam pas neh...anyway, this is normal at this stage sebab our body need 1.5 times more calories compared to the usual amount!!!alasan yang cukup baik untuk makan tanpa rasa bersalah kannnn..=)

some other symptoms that might occur are swollen breasts, nausea or maybe morning sickness..and please take note that the symptoms might be vary from one another k..

oh ya!!its also the best time to choose a doctor or gynea for check-up throughout the pregnancy!!walaupun belum tau which clinic to go but i definitely will go to a female gynea!!segan weh nanti kalau doctor lelaki nak pegang2 perut i yang sedang dan bakal lebih membuncit lagi iteww..

Tips for dads:

BE PATIENT!!sebab these mommy-to-be banyak 'hal' at this stage and having mood swing..sabar yek daddy!!


plan a special date or event to celebrate the gud news!!
sure swing mood we ols akan berkurangan secara mendadak!!huhu..
my hubby had planned to bring me to Chilli's this saturday..hoorayy!!anyway, dah celebrate jugak at my PIL's last saturday..cayang hubby i..luv u.MMUUAAHHXX!!
:39:sedapnyer Secret Recipe's Choc Indulgence!!
